Friday, July 20, 2007


When my sister was in town, we took a three day tour of Norfolk, which started in Norwich. While larger than Cambridge, Norwich's shops and markets follow the same hours—everything closes around 5:30pm. So after visiting the Norwich Cathedral, buying shoes, eating lunch, taking Carolyn through Habitat and walking the ancient cobblestone streets, stores were locking their doors and we were ready to head off to our charming B&B in Thorpe St. Andrew, The Old Rectory.

Cloisters and spire of Norwich Cathedral

Carolyn takes advantage of the space left by the destruction of statues during English Civil War.

A door knocker just begs to be knocked—even on a church

and a keyhole just begs to be peeped through.

Waiting on the steps of The Old Rectory before dinner

There are a number of dramatic, old trees on the property

Rivergarden Pub is conveniently located across the street from The Old Rectory and borders the River Wensum

Along with the ducks and swans, this Egyptian Goose came looking for a handout

Bright-eyed Carolyn in The Old Rectory's breakfast room

Rollo, The Old Rectory

Millie, The Old Rectory

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