Monday, July 16, 2007

Imperial War Museum Duxford—Flying Legends Air Show

I was surprised when my sister responded enthusiastically to an outing at the Imperial War Museum Duxford–Europe's premier aviation museum. What caught Carolyn's interest was the Flying Legends Air Show—showcasing 'warbirds': classic American and European piston-engine combat aircraft.

Memphis Belle B-17 Bomber

P51 Mustang Big Beautiful Doll

I knew M* would be up for a visit, as he's expressed interest since we learned the museum was only seven miles away—a very bikeable distance. Since attending the air show, he's discovered that the museum offers flights to the general public in spitfires and a biplanes—for a fee of course. As soon as he can arrange it, he'll be taking advantage of the opportunity.

Guinot Wing Walking Display Team (air acrobats)
Mustangs take flight

While not knowing much about planes (the above information was pilfered from the museum's web site and Wikipedia—surprise!), I found the 3 1/2 hour show completely engrossing. There were so many planes that one could never get bored. I actually filled up a good portion of my camera's memory card (260 photos and five videos) and drained its battery—unfortunately moments before the group flyover finale.

Me and Carolyn in front of a PBY Catalina
Spitfire returns to the ground

A bonus to the day was discovering wooden children's toys by Orange Tree Toys in the museum gift shop. My favorite was this airplane height chart.

List of participants:

TFC: P51D Mustang G-CBNM
TFC: P-51-TF Mustang N251RJ
SHF: P51D Mustang N-167F
RAC: P51D Mustang G-CDHI
OFMC:P51D Mustang G-BTCD
Rob Davies: P51D Mustang G-HAEC
TFC: Spitfire V G-LFVB
TFC: Spitfire XIV G-SPIT
Kennet: Seafire G-KASX
HAC: Spitfire V G-MKVB
Corsair Warbird: Spitfire F-AZJS
Cliff Spink: Spitfire XVI G-OXVI
Cliff Spink: Spitfire V G-LFVC
ARC: Spitfire IX
HAC: Hurricane G-HURY
Hurricane G-HURR
TFC: Corsair G-FGID
Corsair Warbird: Corsair F-AZVJ
Fw 190
TFC: Bearcat G-RUMM
TFC: Hellcat G-BTCC
TFC: Wildcat G-RUMW
TFC: Staggerwing
TFC: Hawk 75
D Koblet: M/Salunier HB-RCF
Kennet: AD4 Skyraider G-RADR
I-15 Bis: Polikarpov 2089K
RNHF: Sea Fury WB-930
Lufthansa: Ju52 D-CDLH
Salis: Ju52
Saab B-17
TFC: Nimrod G-BWWK
HAC: Nimrod
S'Worth: Gladiator G-AMRK
S'Worth: Lysander
S'Worth: Hind
DOBAF: B25 Mitchell N-320-SQ
Dakota Norway: DC3 LN-WND
A Walker: Jungman
Capel: Yak11 -static
Mew Gull
Arrow Active

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