Thursday, December 07, 2006

Things I Like: Organic Vegetable Delivery

Since mid-November we have been receiving weekly organic vegetable deliveries from the Cambridge Organic Food Company. For £9.50 we get potatoes, carrots, onions and mushrooms every week. Then we also get a mixture of other veggies, which changes each week. These pieces and fillers, as they are called, have consisted of fennel, chard, leeks, butternut squash, zucchini, sweet potatoes, turnips, parsnips, cucumbers and garlic. We even got a free 1/2 dozen eggs. The price is fair, but the quality is high and the deliver is convenient. Plus, I probably would not have bought fennel root (I didn't even know what it was when it arrived--I had to email them and attach a photo), parsnips, turnips or the squash. Aren't the veggies pretty?

(the little one is the fennel that I thought was a type of celery root)

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