Saturday, March 01, 2008

Great Falls, Maryland

Potomac River at Great Falls
Potomac River at Great Falls
Potomac River at Great Falls

We were able to fit in a visit to Great Falls before leaving Maryland. We set out when the weather was an unseasonable 60° and sunny: it dropped to a seasonal high 40° and cloudy/rainy by the time we left. I've visited Great Falls a few times before; I remember as a child watching volunteers dressed in turn of the century (1900 not 2000) vestments leading a mule which was pulling a barge through the locks—recreating the commercial heyday of the C&O Canal.

A pair of Canadian Geese in front of one of the old locks.

A great blue heron was one the only other bird we observed with clarity.

There were no such presentations to watch, just dramatic scenery to absorb and nice walking paths to explore. M* wasn't impressed with the first set of falls we saw—commenting on their not-so greatness. I did remind him that there are no mountains to speak of in the area which would create a staggering drop.

One of the lesser falls that did not impress M*.
Lesser falls detail.

However, after we crossed over a walking bridge, heading towards the Virginia side of Great Falls, M* spied the Potomac River falls and was somewhat appeased. However, I do think that he might remember the National Park more for its array of lichen than for the water.

Lichen covered rocks that M* finds thoroughly fascinating and lovely.

There are areas at Great Falls where offshoots of the Potomac are calm.

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