Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Father's Day


For our friend James' birthday last month, we gave him an IOU for an Indian dinner. I looked online for a birthday IOU image, but the closest I could find was a Happy Father's Day one. So, James received such an IOU, with Father's crossed out and Birth written in (above).

Last night James traded in his voucher for some pakora (cauliflower, broccoli and peppers) with mint chutney, followed by tofu in garam masala and coconut milk sauce. Desert was quite American: fresh baked gluten-free chocolate chip cookies and gluten-free peach cobbler.

As it was also a celebration of M*'s last day at his internship, finishing-up his final paper and receiving a job offer, I stopped in at Oddbins and bought a highly recommended (beat Dom Perignon in recent taste test, produced by family-owned vineyard, H. Blin & Co., committed to fair-pricing). James and Manuela added to our celebrating by bringing over some Stella and red wine. By the time we headed to the Granta pub, our food and drink appetites were quite sated.

Somehow, we ended-up in Glamour Shots' poses. James, me, M* (above).
James, me and Manuela (below).

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