Monday, April 09, 2007

Exploring the Local Countryside

Last Friday, M*, Michael, Tialda, and I went for a 22 mile bike ride to Wimpole Park and Estate. We traveled through the quite, small, pastoral villages of Barrington and Orwell. We also passed a number of massive telescopes from the Univ. of Cambridge's Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory. Tialda and Michael were smart and packed a lunch. Luckily the estate's restaurant carried gluten-free treats. They also stocked rare breeds of meats which are raised on the farm. After seeing the adorable young lambs cavorting around on the fields, I thought that maybe I could give up their tender, flavorful meat. However, the next evening I ordered kofta kebabs, which are minced lamb: it was a very tasty meal.

Mullard Radio Observatory telescope (zoom challenged as I was biking while taking the photo).

Many fields were brightened with these yellow flowers.

Typical thatched roof house that we saw along the way.

Grounds of Wimpole Estate.

Wimpole Estate in background. Resting cows in foreground.

Not many flowers were in bloom on the grounds. This unique one, with the orange petals facing down and topped by green leaves, caught our interest.

Michael, M* and me.

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